The President of Ukraine has announced the mobilization of reserves

by time news

Matty Burnhart, Knitted News23.02.22 09:31 22 Adar A. Tishpev

The President of Ukraine has announced the mobilization of reserves

(Photo: Shatterstock)

Ukrainian President Ludimir Zalansky signed a comprehensive reserve order tonight.

“We must fill the army with forces. As the Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian Army, I have ordered the recruitment of reservists for a special period.” Despite this, he stressed that at the moment it is not a matter of deploying forces.

As you may recall, in Russia two days ago they recognized recognition of the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, and Putin ordered that troops be sent there. Yesterday, Putin received approval from parliament to send military forces out of the country.

Yesterday, the Americans claimed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine had already begun.

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Putin has received permission to send troops outside Russia

“Yesterday Putin recognized two provinces of Ukraine as independent. He strangely claimed that they were not part of Ukraine,” US President Biden claimed. “Russia has literally bitten into part of Ukraine. Yesterday he ordered soldiers to come to the region. Today he made it clear that he recognizes more parts of Ukraine controlled by the Ukrainian government. If one listens to his speech, he sets a rationale of moving forward. This is the beginning of an invasion of Ukraine. Far beyond what we imposed in 2014. “

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