The rediscovery of snacks and other social rites in the second wave of Covid

by time news

The slippers with black fur to match Ilary Blasi’s socks, the salmon pink sweatshirt by Chiara Ferragni, the “task pants” (like the “cool” ones they call the suit-like trousers) of the fashion queen Anne Wintour, the social ritual of the early aperitif at snack time or even replaced with breakfast at the bar. We are not yet at “it’s already 10 I have to have lunch” of the gag of the comedian Paolo Camilli who on Facebook stages a phone call to a restaurant where he books “dinner at 17 and an aperitif at 16”.

But curfews and various anti Covid rules of Italy multicolor yellow-orange-red, inflicting an undoubted blow to sociality, are however stimulating new Italian businesses, mainly focused on homewear or loungewear, if you prefer, and personal flair for adaptation, with grafts convivial-creative like the birthday with guests in turn just staged by the writer Lia Levi.

For his 89 years, he tells the, in obedience to the government’s recommendation to limit home invitations, has called two people every hour: “For greater prudence with respect to contagion, when it was the turn of my grandchildren of school age I preferred to meet them outdoors, under the house, rather than receive them indoors, and so mine was also a birthday in the elevator and in a mask, certainly memorable ”jokes the writer who has added a piece to the new social rituals devised by adults and especially young people. Made of rediscovery of the snack, of eighteenths sadly declined in invitations to lunch “with three tables of four friends, all buffered after the positivity of one of their circle”, as explained by Paola Troncarelli, mother of two boys, and also, as told to Barbara Mattei, mother of a sixteen year old, from pruning of the circle of friends in favor of one or two chosen ones promoted to relatives, “To sleep in peace at the home of one or the other”. Obviously equipped with fashionable overalls and pajamas that do not disfigure on the inevitable Instagram or Facebook reportage.

At the end of the summer, analysts at Retviews had already predicted that home and sportswear would be the two main autumn trends, examining the online products in France, Italy and Germany of fifteen brands and anticipating the dominance of sweatshirts and cardigan, preferably in ecological fabrics, centered on brown, terracotta, chestnut, dusty pink and beige, just to underline the depressive mood ..

The second wave, with the closing of bars and restaurants at 6 pm and the new advent of smart working, did the rest, filing sophisticated looks, elegant outfits but also unpresentable and often floured pajamas and jumpsuits sported in the first lockdown, when there was none it was time to renew the look from home. Today, dedicated lines, such as the “Comfy” by Mango, a name and a program based on loose trousers and sweaters, and luxury products such as cashmere jumpsuits or wide feathered boa-style trousers for Hollywood stars are very popular.

And again the Uggs, the iconic flat boots that celebrities incredibly like so much declined in fur slippers, like the Birkenstock sandals, while the Leslipper brand offers velvet slippers with contrasting satin profiles, a Flavio Briatore style stuff. But, you find luxury aside, just take a tour of the local markets to realize that the stalls where we are most dangerously assembled are those that sell slippers, soft chenille dressing gowns and various overalls, and even those that sell sheets and duvets. In short, an attempt is made to embellish the content (us) and the container (the house), as confirmed to by the director of Caleffi, one of the stores with the most customers of Castel Romano Outlet in this historical-sanitary moment: ” a search for home fashion, they buy duvets for the bed, sheets, towels and bathrobes- he analyzes – having to spend more time at home, one feels the need to modernize it ”.

Regarding the makeover of the personal home look, the psychotherapist Marinella Cozzolino explains to that it is a need triggered by the first lockdown, when we realized that we are not always so presentable in Zoom links: “Now it has become a practice for ourselves, which we psychotherapists encourage, because seeing ourselves with something practical but nice to wear and maybe even with a thread of lipstick helps the immune system, while being in front of the mirror disheveled and unkempt makes us feel in somehow sick even if we are not ”.

The neat look, he points out, also helps give due importance to the work we do in smart working (“It is no coincidence that many private schools also impose the uniform on distance learning students”) and clarifies it is not just a female need: “My husband sells men’s clothing and tells me that lately there are many men who ask for” a suit that doesn’t look like a suit “. It was time.


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