The RTS,S vaccine introduced in the fight against malaria

by time news

2024-02-05 21:17:16

Anxious to block the path to the scourge of Malaria which constitutes one of the main causes of mortality in Burkina Faso, the ministry in charge of health, in collaboration with technical and financial partners, launched the RTS,S vaccine this Monday February 5, 2024, in Koudougou. For a pilot phase which mainly concerns children aged 0 to 11 months, this vaccine is available in the 27 health districts having recorded the greatest number of cases and deaths linked to malaria.

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In 2023, Burkina Faso recorded a total of 10,199,441 cases of malaria with 502,077 serious cases and unfortunately 5,203 deaths, of which 3,721 occurred in children under five (05) years old, or nearly 72% of the total number of malaria cases. all deaths linked to malaria, according to reports from health stakeholders.

Figures which remind us of the urgency of stemming this growing pandemic. And to achieve this, the government has undertaken several actions, including the distribution of mosquito nets impregnated with long-lasting insecticides; Chemo-prevention of Seasonal Malaria (CPS); intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnant women; malaria case management; and vector control through the destruction of larval breeding sites, indoor spraying and space spraying.

Dr Robert Lucien Jean Claude Kargougou, Minister in charge of Health and Public Hygiene

Still in this dynamic fight against malaria, the ministry in charge of health has once again flexed its weapons, particularly with the launch of the RTS,S vaccine. “ The RTS,S vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine which is administered in four 4 doses at the 5th month, 6th month, 7th month and at the 15th », Informed Dr Robert Lucien Jean Claude Kargougou, Minister in charge of Health and Public Hygiene.

With a total cost estimated at approximately 10 billion one hundred and sixty million (10,160,000,000), for the first phase, financing is provided by the Burkinabè State and technical and financial partners. Known for its commitment to the cause of children, UNICEF is included in the list of partners having contributed to the execution of this vaccine. John Agbor, UNICEF representative in Burkina is delighted with the implementation of this new vaccine which will play its part in the fight against malaria.

ohn Agbor, UNICEF representative in Burkina

« If implemented on a large scale, it can save tens of thousands of lives every year. This vaccine comes at the right time, in addition to all the other measures put in place to save lives “, he clarified. Furthermore, he appealed to all parents to vaccinate their children to protect them from this scourge.

Given the limited availability of doses of the RTS,S vaccine and the large number of countries mobilizing to introduce this vaccine, Burkina Faso was able to obtain a quantity of approximately 878,000 doses for a total need of approximately 3,680. 000 doses for 2024. To fill this gap, a new vaccine is being produced, namely R21, which will also be available in the last months of the year.

Sié Frédéric KAMBOU

Burkina 24

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