The second lyrical song from the movie Ntikakkak Koru Premandarnni has been released

by time news

The second lyrical song from the movie Ntikakkak Koru Premandarnni has been released. The song starts Asha Tiramakalal Mele Mazhavil Kudaram and is composed by Joker Blues. The song is sung by Bijin Chandy with lyrics by Sarath Krishna. Ntikakkak Koru Premandarn is a film that gives more importance to music and songs are sung by Harishankar, Sitara Krishnakumar, Sayanora, Rashmi Sathish, Paul Mathew and Joker Blues. Magic Frames is a distributor for lovers of antiques.

The film is produced by Rajesh Krishna and Reneesh Abdul Khader in association with London Talkies and Bonhomie Entertainments. Bhavana and Sharafuddin are the lead characters in the film directed by debutant Adil Maimoonath Ashraf. Arun Rushdie is handling the camera of the film.

Executive Producer: Kiran Keshav, Prasobh Vijayan, Art: Mithun Chalishery, Costume: Melvi J, Makeup Amal Chandran, Production Controller: Alex E Kurian, Project Coordinator: Shaneem Saeed, Chief Associate: Philip Francis, Script Assistant: Vivek Bharatan, Creative Director & Sound Design: Sabaridas Thottingal, Casting: Abu Valayamkulam, Stills: Rohit K Suresh, PRO: Ten Degree North Communications, Publicity Designs: Doodle Muni, Digital Marketing: Vysakh C Vadakkeveedu.

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