The SGDS gives a face to the streets under the Fifadji bridge

by time news

2023-12-04 08:08:43

In addition to its waste management mission, the Benin Waste and Sanitation Management Company (SGDS) continues the sanitation of unpaved secondary roads in the municipalities. A team from the company cleaned up the sandy streets, littered with grass and waste located under the Fifadji bridge in the 9th arrondissement of Cotonou, on Saturday December 2, 2023.


The Waste Management and Sanitation Company of Benin (SGDS) organized, as usual, a sanitation campaign on December 2, 2023. It is under the Fifadji bridge in the 9th arrondissement of Cotonou that the monthly campaign took place. Equipped with brooms, rakes, wheelbarrows and other garbage collection equipment, a team from the SDGS took to the streets located under the bridge at 7 a.m. this Saturday. “We stripped, weeded and cleaned,” explains Jadix Saïnou, supervisor of the SGDS team deployed under the Fifadji bridge. It took 2 hours of cleaning for the twenty agents deployed to give these silted and waste-strewn streets of the Fifadji bridge a beautiful appearance.

The sanitation campaign which is also taking place in the other districts of Cotonou has not seen the participation of local residents here despite the numerous awareness messages. “Unfortunately, the population did not accompany us, otherwise we would have finished a little earlier,” lamented Jadix Saïnou. The SGDS supervisor then took the opportunity to appeal to the populations. “The cleanliness of our cities, of our streets is everyone’s responsibility. It doesn’t come down to one individual, to one company. It’s everyone’s business. So for these days, we invite people to come out to clean the streets and together we will make our cities clean,” he urged.

Organized every first Saturday of the month in the districts of Cotonou and every last Saturday of the month in other cities, the monthly days aim to clean the streets and public spaces on the one hand and to raise awareness among local communities on the other hand, to maintain their own living environment. The SGDS’s monthly sanitation campaigns take into account the other secondary roads in the districts not yet paved since the company already ensures regular cleaning of the paved roads.

QA December 4, 2023

#SGDS #face #streets #Fifadji #bridge

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