The Sharp Rise in Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Causes and Concerns

by time news

2023-11-10 11:27:32
Sexually Transmitted Infections on the Rise in the Western World

A concerning trend is on the rise in the Western world as the number of new infections with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is rapidly increasing. This surge of infections has affected almost all STDs equally including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and HPV.

Norbert Brockmeyer, President of the German Society for Sexual Health, has stated that the number of syphilis infections has significantly multiplied since the turn of the millennium. According to Brockmeyer, the increase in syphilis infections has been particularly significant in the United States in recent years.

The development is particularly worrying because a syphilis infection, especially in pregnant women, can lead to serious illnesses in the fetus. Last year, more than ten times as many babies were born with syphilis in the USA as compared to a decade ago. In Germany, a tenfold increase from 800 to 8,000 syphilis infections has also been registered since 2000.

One possible cause for this increase, according to Brockmeyer, is the growing use of Internet dating portals. He stated, “We have a change in the ability to initiate sexual contact through digital media, which enables much, much faster sexual contact.” In addition to the increasing popularity of party drugs, this has contributed to the rise in sexually transmitted infections.

Brockmeyer suggests that, in addition to medication, which now also protects against HIV infection, efforts should be made to educate the public. He emphasizes the need for increased education in schools to combat the rise in STDs. The urgency of addressing this issue is clear as the number of new infections continues to climb.]
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