The sports budget needs to be doubled

by time news

“The sports budget should be doubled in the next state budget,” the Knesset member said today (Tuesday) Simon DavidsonHead of the Sports Lobby, at a special discussion of the Sports Lobby led by him which convened in honor of International Women’s Day.

The Knesset member said about increasing the sports budget: “When we talk about sports, we must understand and I repeat it in the Knesset – we must increase the sports budget. Everything we do here in the Knesset of Israel is for sports and to increase the sports budget. I’m all scars from Israeli sports, I know how hard it is to run a sport. I know how much people love it, how important this world is to them and how much they do it not for money, they do it because they know it affects girls and boys, girls and boys. There is nothing that affects more than sports. If you want to eradicate crime, sports are the best tool, sports frameworks are really what will get the children out of this circle. “

The Knesset member spoke about his work with women: “I was a women’s swimming coach for many years. I have always been a women coach, from all over the country. Even when I coached Bnei Herzliya and the national teams, I always coached women. Working with women is another matter. Ability to listen, absorb, moods, other training method. Speaking differently or differently, before and after a competition. I will give a special, much more accomplished people. Those who come from women’s sports are much more accomplished, you always come the furthest and always work the hardest. “Women work much harder than men.”

The special discussion in honor of International Women’s Day (Micha Benano)

The debate was held in the presence of members of the Knesset, Edith Silman, Ida Toma Suleiman, Meirav Ben-Ari, Nira Shefek, Shirley Pinto, Iman Khatib Yassin, Jasmine Sachs Friedman, Patin Mula, Vladimir Blyak and Meir Yitzhak Halevi. In addition, senior and senior figures in the world of sports, past and present athletes participated in it, during which certificates of appreciation were awarded to the athletes.

Women’s Basketball Coach, Eli Rabbi, He said: “For every Yael Arad, there are 500 girls who suffer from the fact that they are involved in sports. Need to change that to make it fun to play sports. Women’s sports must contain 10-20 bulldozers who want to promote the sport. “People need to love sports, they need to improve the state of sports, we need to glorify the female athletes who do an amazing job.”

Sea of ​​Galilee, Director of the sports department at the Hapoel Center and former chairman of the gymnastics association, emphasized: “We all need to cooperate to promote women’s sports in the country. If we learn to give one hand to the other, rather than women feet, it will already be the first step in the right direction. We need to learn to listen. If we do not go together it will not work. Need mutual help. We will cooperate and that is how we will succeed. “

Sea of ​​Galilee (Noam Moreno)Sea of ​​Galilee (Noam Moreno)

Chairman of the Olympic Committee, Yael Arad, She added: “On this day I ask myself whether a special day should be marked. I always look to the horizon and think what can be done, with optimism. Our ability to unite all forces, to increase the number of women led by sports organizations, to increase the number of coaches. The good and talented women need to step forward and say, ‘We want and can and are as good as others.’ This is our responsibility and that of those in the circle of action. “

Member of Knesset Shirley Pinto She shared: “Before I became a MK, I am a woman and deaf and I am here to make the voice of women with disabilities heard. The gap of women with disabilities in sports is large. In the Paralympic competitions I personally texted athletes. They are a great pride and a great excitement, it hurt me for the minority of women represented. “Women’s sports should be encouraged, with an emphasis on talented athletes with disabilities, those women should be encouraged and given tools to integrate into sports.”

The special discussion in honor of International Women's Day (Micha Benano)The special discussion in honor of International Women’s Day (Micha Benano)

Moran concludes, Athena’s CEO, noted: “The Ulsteries of sports are sitting here, it’s time to engage in action. Our job, Athena’s, is to put a policy out of force. This is a task for all of us and I have no doubt we will succeed. The task here is social equality, sport is a great platform to do that. “

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