The story of the launch of the NASA Explorer to study the winds of the sun dozens of years ago

by time news

Thank you for reading the news about technology: The story of launching a NASA explorer to study the winds of the sun decades ago and now with the details of the news

Cairo – Samia Sayed – NASA launched the Advanced Formation Explorer, or ACE satellite, to study energetic particles that travel through space on August 25, 1997. It blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a Delta 2 rocket and spent the next three and a half months on its way to its orbital center. Near the Lagrange point L1, which is the point of gravitational equilibrium between the Earth and the Sun.

According to the “space” website, the spacecraft monitors the stream of accelerating particles coming from the sun known as the solar wind.

The ACE provides 24/7 continuous coverage of the solar wind, letting scientists know when to expect geomagnetic storms that could disrupt communications satellites and Earth’s power grids.

While NASA’s new Parker probe was able to “touch” the sun, making it the first man-made object to do such work, the space agency described the achievement as “one major step” for its probe and “a giant leap for solar science.”“.

The Parker Solar Probe passed in and out of the sun’s upper atmosphere, called the corona, several times during a flight in April, with NASA needing the intervening months to receive and confirm the data. Digitartlends.

Haitham Haroun

Bachelor’s degree in Education and Master’s degree in Tourism Sciences from Luxor University, specializing in tourism sciences and television and press news editing.

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