The Surprising Ways Our Voices Change as We Age: Tips to Keep Your Voice in Good Condition

by time news

Title: The Science Behind Your Changing Voice as You Age, According to Dr. Michael Mosley

Subtitle: Tips for Keeping Your Voice in Good Condition

Date: July 15, 2023

As we age, our voices undergo various changes, much like other aspects of our bodies. While the most noticeable voice transformations occur during puberty, there are distinct alterations that take place in middle age and old age. Not only does pitch change, but so does the strength of our voices. Aging rock stars, such as Bruce Springsteen, have demonstrated impressive vocal abilities, while others like Blondie and Elton John have shown signs of past vocal prime.

So, what is Bruce Springsteen’s secret to maintaining his strong voice, and how can we all keep our voices in good condition? It may be easy to overlook the subtle changes that happen to our voices over time, as we are more aware of other physical changes associated with aging. However, according to Dr. Kasia Pisanski, a researcher at Sussex University, women’s voices also change during pregnancy, becoming deeper and more monotonous. This discovery was inspired by singer Adele, who noticed her voice becoming lower during pregnancy, making certain songs easier to sing.

Dr. Pisanski suggests that hormonal changes during pregnancy may affect vocal cords or that women may unconsciously modulate their voices to sound more authoritative as they face the challenges of parenting. Studies have shown that individuals with low-pitched voices are often perceived as more competent, mature, and dominant.

To maintain a healthy voice as we age, Dr. Michael Mosley offers some tips. Firstly, engaging in regular singing is an excellent way to keep vocal muscles in shape, particularly while singing in the shower where steam can also rehydrate the throat. Trained singers have been found to keep their voices younger for longer, in addition to enjoying improved mood and reduced anxiety.

Keeping vocal cords well-lubricated is also crucial. Drinking plenty of water, especially with meals, can help achieve this. Other activities such as reading out loud, humming through a straw, or blowing into a straw submerged in liquid can work the muscles that assist in providing voice resonance.

Taking care of overall health can also positively impact vocal health. Quitting smoking, avoiding loud environments, and maintaining good posture can contribute to a powerful and youthful-sounding voice. Bruce Springsteen shared in a recent interview that he avoids talking in nightclubs for hours after performing, as it can strain the voice.

In terms of diet, Dr. Mosley shares his preference for full-fat dairy products over their skimmed alternatives. Contrary to previous beliefs that saturated fats in dairy could lead to heart disease and obesity, recent studies have indicated that consuming full-fat dairy may not be detrimental to one’s health. In fact, a recent large-scale study published in the European Heart Journal found that consuming full-fat dairy can minimize the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Furthermore, research suggests that the saturated fats found in full-fat dairy may not be of the harmful variety. People who regularly consumed at least two servings of full-fat dairy per day had a 24% lower risk of metabolic syndrome, which includes type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

In conclusion, while our voices inevitably change as we age, there are steps we can take to keep them in good condition. Regular singing, vocal cord hydration, and overall health maintenance can aid in preserving the strength and quality of our voices. Additionally, choosing full-fat dairy products can have potential health benefits, contrary to previous beliefs. So, embrace the changes in your voice and continue to care for it as you age.

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