The Tax Agency launches a notice to all homeowners

by time news

2023-09-28 09:04:00

Hacienda Warns homeowners of their tax obligations in case of selling a property you own. The payment of municipal capital gains would be one of them and inform the Tax agency of a possible capital gain in the transmission via a next statement of incomeother.

However, there are cases in which the sale of a house will be exempt from paying personal income tax. Thus, those who use the money from that sale to pay for the purchase of another house in the two years immediately before or after said operation, will be able to enjoy an exemption for reinvestment in housing, as long as both the property sold and the one purchased were the habitual residence and that one has resided there for at least three years, except in the event that the change of residence is justified.

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Another case in which an owner can avoid paying personal income tax The sale of their home affects those over 65 years of age. In the event that members of this group decide to get rid of their habitual residence and, even if they do not reinvest the proceeds in a new purchase, they will not have to pay the Treasury for it. If what they sold was a second home, they could also enjoy a tax exemption if the money obtained in the operation is used to constitute a life annuity equal to or less than 240,000 euros, having to pay taxes on any amount that exceeds that limit.

The payments in paymentthat is, the delivery of a home that an owner must make to a bank in the event of not being able to pay the contracted mortgage, is also not subject to payment to the Treasury.

#Tax #Agency #launches #notice #homeowners

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