The terrorist who murdered Uri Ansbacher will be convicted of murder as an act of terrorism

by time news

Convicted of rape and murder: The terrorist Arafat Rafaiah, a 30-year-old resident of Hebron, will be convicted of the crimes attributed to, the court ruled. Refaiah was convicted of murdering Uri Ansbacher, a national service member in the Ein Yael forest in 2019. The terrorist will be convicted of murder as an act of terrorism, rape and illegal stay in Israel. The court ruled that he is mentally competent to stand trial despite the claims of his lawyers. The hearing of arguments for punishment will take place next month.

He agreed to admit the acts but remained silent in court

The terrorist Rafaiah previously reached an agreement with his lawyers that he would confess to the murder and rape, but later during the court hearing, Rafaiah refused to confess and even to speak, and the whole time he sat in the glass cell and stared into the air. The only thing he said was his request for a phone call. Today the judges received the opinion that he is fit to stand trial.

Arafat Arfaia will stand trial Photo: Flash 90, Jonathan Sindel

According to the indictment, on the morning of the murder, Ansbacher left the Yalim center for children and youth at risk in the Ein Yael area of ​​Jerusalem, where she served, to a forest near Ein Yael “with a bunch of pages for writing in her possession.” , a 30-year-old resident of Hebron without an entry permit to Israel, with a knife in his possession. He noticed the light and decided to kill her for being Jewish.

It was also written: “He attacked Uri with great violence and cruelty. Uri struggled with him, but the accused overcame her resistance, seriously injured her, and also stabbed her numerous times in all parts of her body with the knife. The stabs of the knife caused her death.”

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