“The trouble is that migrants are no longer being rescued” – Kommersant FM – Kommersant

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Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin proposed strengthening control over the attraction of migrants to Russian construction sites. At the same time, he admitted that it would be extremely difficult to do without them completely. In addition, the Deputy Prime Minister predicted a rise in the cost of mortgages and a slowdown in construction due to high lending rates. Speaking at the government hour in the State Duma, Khusnullin pointed out that systemic government decisions are required to support the industry. Kommersant FM political observer Dmitry Drize believes that reforms are ripe not only in construction.

Despite the threat of war, life, oddly enough, goes on. And the task of providing Russians with housing, and preferably cheap, has not been canceled, as well as the need to maintain the uninterrupted functioning of the housing and communal services. Even a cursory glance at the current state of affairs forces us to conclude that the problems, unfortunately, have not gone away. Moreover, it may seem that somewhere they have become sharper.

Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, who, as you know, oversees the construction industry, which is the locomotive of the economy, was invited to speak at the State Duma within the framework of the government hour. One of the hottest topics today is migrants. There is a general wish that instead of them, local, their own citizens should be more actively involved. But this is easy to say, but in reality everything is more complicated: Russians are more expensive and are not ready to work 24 hours a day. As a result, such decisions are fraught with another rise in the price of housing, which, by the way, is not getting cheaper anyway.

Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin:

Let’s face it: today a migrant works 50% more than a Russian and gets 30% less. Let’s make a decision and work without migrants, bring the salary [строителей] to at least average.

And after all, migrants are half the trouble. There is also such a thing as high interest rates on loans needed by the industry, transportation costs, rising prices for raw materials, corruption that no one has canceled, and much more. “Today’s key rate for housing development is a serious threat. And we are thinking how to solve this problem,” says Khusnullin.

The logic of responsible comrades is that any changes are fraught with even worse consequences. Now costs are reduced by attracting cheap labor. Violation of this state of affairs will lead to an even greater rise in the price of real estate and hit the consumer, that is, the common man. However, the trouble is that migrants are no longer being rescued. Not only is housing still becoming more expensive, but also the crime situation is getting worse. And unemployment, whatever one may say, still takes place, and this is a drop in living standards, which threatens with social consequences.

After all, it was not without reason that all this talk about migrants arose, and even at the highest level.

The situation as a whole is changing – new approaches are required, but they are not available. Attempts to somehow cosmetically react to all this do not help. And prisoners at construction sites obviously will not give the desired effect. And even a preferential mortgage is by no means an indisputable measure. Otherwise, why then cancel it? Khusnullin says correctly: the problem must be solved as a whole, in other words, the conditions for the functioning of the economy must be changed, and not only it alone. This is what is now called the unpopular word “reform”. Nevertheless, something needs to be done – so the Deputy Prime Minister asks everyone to pile on together so that he alone is not responsible for everything.

Read the opinions of political observer Dmitry Drize – exclusively on the Kommersant FM Telegram channel.

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