The ultra-Orthodox Oshiya celebrates romance: “I love the most in the world”

by time news

The media woman and ultra-orthodox TV host, Yael Tzin, recently revealed that she and her partner are celebrating a pregnancy and are expecting their fourth child, “Blessed be a new baby on the way,” she wrote. In a post she uploaded this week to her Instagram account, she shared with the multitudes of followers on the network another joyous celebration Less, the birthday of her husband Yitzchak.

At the beginning of her words, she thanked the Creator of the world for the privilege of celebrating her birthday in the bosom of her friends and family. “In a flash, 31 years have passed, oh how time has only done wonders for you. You were and remain a wonderful and soulful person and a father who should receive this year’s award.” She added heartfelt wishes, “Years of health and love. Joy of life, contentment and peace. More and more blessings are sent to you, that life and happiness will always light your way, that you will wake up with a big and sweet smile to tomorrow, and most importantly, that you will always be happy, amen.” At the end she wrote that the day he was born is the day God decided that the world cannot exist without him, “and neither can I”.

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