The vital advice of a doctor after losing a man because nobody knew how to do CPR

by time news

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, known by its acronym CPR, is a maneuver that can save countless lives if we find someone stopped.

It is the message that a doctor wanted to send through Twitter, who this week suffered the loss of a patient by not being able to revive him after several minutes without life.

The Twitter user @deloslares, a doctor specializing in family medicine, recounted the episode through his account, of which lamented because a life could have been saved if any of the witnesses had known how to react.

«I have just returned from attending to a cardiorespiratory arrest in a 38-year-old patient. We have not been able to save him, despite performing advanced CPR for 40 minutes,” the message began.

«During the first 15, until the first resource has arrived, it has been on public roads, surrounded by 20 people standing around himlooking at him, doing absolutely nothing (other than calling 112, of course)”, explained the doctor, who highlighted the lack of assistance from the witnesses who, surely due to ignorance and fear, could not do anything.

Precisely on this paralysis due to the lack of resources due to not knowing the CPR technique goes the advice of the health worker, who makes it clear that «It is essential to understand that, as long as it is a safe place, even if you do not know first aid, always it is better to do something wrong than to do nothing».

His message has exceeded 600,000 impressions in total -between views, responses and retweets- and has generated all kinds of opinions on how to act in an extreme situation such as finding someone in cardiorespiratory arrest.

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