The voice of bass-baritone Igor Mostovoi thrills Ukraine at the Théâtre du Châtelet

by time news

The curtains of the main foyer of the Théâtre du Châtelet are drawn. In the dark are heard the first notes of bandura, Ukrainian string instrument. For a few pieces, musician Kateryna Zarkova, crowned with colorful flowers and wearing a traditional red dress, accompanies the voice of bass-baritone Igor Mostovoi, who has come to give a recital entitled Immortal Ukraine, Wednesday, June 15, in tribute to his country at war. Proceeds from the concert will be donated to the Artists in Exile association, whose objective is to provide workspaces and means of production to exiled artists in difficulty.

A wind from elsewhere is blowing in the theatre. The folklore of the notes of bandura immediately propels the public into the imagination of Ukrainian landscapes. And when the powerful voice of Igor Mostovoi mingles with the melody, the whole resonates like a prayer. The baritone is moved, he opens his arms in the direction of the public and his gaze is sometimes lost in the distance. Some songs take on an almost incantatory dimension, delivered in a more spoken than sung tone. As they follow one another, the voice of Igor Mostovoi takes on more and more tension and tells the story of Ukraine through the centuries.

A recital on the edge of emotion

Kateryna Zarkova then gives way to Olga Dubynska, piano, and Hanna Voievodkina, violin, to accompany the singer. The pieces alternate between jerky rhythms and more constant ones. The two instruments respond to each other and offer the public a very nuanced musical palette. The trio is harmonious, the voice is perfectly balanced with the instruments, not taking up all the space. The ensemble plays with such intensity that the language barrier does not prevent the transmission of emotion, palpable in the audience.

At the end of the recital, Igor Mostovoi closes his eyes before delivering his last notes, low and thunderous. Then he puts his hand to his heart, discreetly wipes away a tear, thus recalling the purpose of this concert. The three musicians join him for the final bouquet, closed by a round of frank applause. That evening, it was in the light of music and art that Ukraine will vibrate.

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