The War of Words | FranceEvening

by time news

EDITO – Belligerent rhetoric, fallacious semantics… all of Emmanuel Macron’s communication consists in insidiously making the French population accept a war that he wishes to declare against Russia on behalf of NATO, as an inevitable, logical and even legitimate end .

However, as has happened with each conflict that decimates peoples, the first beneficiaries are always the same: the ultra-rich, who, in France as in the rest of the West, pull the strings behind the scenes. “We believe we are dying for the country, we are dying for industrialists”wrote Anatole France in 1922. The stranglehold of this class on the mass media, which makes and unmakes governments according to its private interests, constitutes one of the indicators of this reality.

Their private interests are intrinsically antithetical to the public interest, the interests of the people: these 67 million French people whom the billionaires are ready, through their propaganda, to drag into a conflict through the intermediary of the man they made elect and re-elect, now famous for his formula: ” We are at war ».

Since his televised speech on March 16, 2020, the favorite employee of the CAC 40 bosses has constantly used a lexicon and measures that apply in times of war: confinement, rationing, curfews… And to a divisive rhetoric, both against its internal and external enemies. Inside the national territory, it creates the conditions of the civil war: French vaccinated against not-vaccinated. Outside the national territory, it creates the conditions for external war: Russians against Ukrainians. Two peoples often perceived as brothers pushed by propaganda on the way to war.

So it’s been almost 80 years since a “good” war has come to serve the base interests of the real holders of power. That is why only one question arises, my dear compatriots: will we let this madness take place? Or will we oppose the perfidious “reason of state”, simply reason? Logic and common sense, these values ​​and notions could not be more “popular”, dictate to any sensible person, that nothing, absolutely NOTHING, justifies this war.

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