There are already more than 100,000 electric motorcycles circulating in Spain

by time news

2023-10-23 16:00:02

There were 104,239 electric two-wheeled vehicles circulating in Spain at the end of 2022. This figure, which includes motorcycles, mopeds and scooters, represents a increase of 6.73% compared to a year before. The data has been collected by Unespa, in collaboration with Anesdor and Tirea, and is made known within the framework of Somos Seguros, its initiative to disseminate insurance culture.

Information from the insurance sector reflects how the electric motor continues to gain presence on streets and highways. Electric vehicles represented 2.83% of the vehicle fleet of this type of vehicle at the end of last year. In this transition, fleets play a prominent role. A third of the country’s electric motorcycles, mopeds and scooters belongs to companies. They are usually owned by courier, home delivery and vehicle rental companies.

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Electrified motorcycles are especially present in the largest cities in Spain. This reality shows their attractiveness as vehicles that move well in congested spaces and where there are parking limitations. More than 30% of the electric two-wheeled vehicles circulating in Spain do so in a city of more than half a million inhabitants. In cities, in fact, electric motorcycles constitute 4.28% of the local two-wheeled vehicle fleet. A rate significantly higher than the national average.

It is worth highlighting the good acceptance of battery-powered vehicles in towns with between 10,000 and 50,000 inhabitants, where distances are relatively long and public transport is more limited than in larger cities. More than 26% of the total electric motorcycles in Spain are found in these types of locations. They represent 2.18% of the two-wheeled fleet in the area.

By autonomous community, about half of the country’s electric motorcycles, scooters and mopeds are distributed between Catalonia and Madrid. In relative terms, 5.41% of the motorcycles in the Community of Madrid do not emit gases, nor do 3.47% of those in the Balearic Islands and 2.82% of those circulating in Catalonia.

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