There isn’t a have to submit an utility to the SRC in an effort to obtain info on the standing of vehicles as an EATM product – 2024-05-26 17:19:12

by times news cr

2024-05-26 17:19:12

The State Income Committee informs that residents are nonetheless submitting purposes to the RA SRC concerning the clarification of the standing of vehicles as a product of the Eurasian Financial Union. About 5,500 purposes have been submitted because the starting of 2023.

With the intention to reply to all of the talked about purposes in a unified method, the Committee informs as soon as once more, in accordance with factors 12, 13, 30, 31 and 37 of the third appendix of the settlement “On the accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Treaty on the Eurasian Financial Union of Could 29, 2014” , in addition to the technique of transport of the 4th Annex, imported from third nations to the territory of the Republic of Armenia for the aim of free circulation of the EAEU TGS AA 8702, 8703, 870421 and 870431, for which customs duties and taxes have been paid at charges totally different from the charges of the Eurasian Financial Union, in 2023. since January 1, they’ve acquired the standing of a product of the Eurasian Financial Union.

Exceptions are solely 339 autos, the declaration of which was carried out by the EEC Council on 21.02.2020. Resolution No. 20 and EEC Council dated 03.04.2020 in keeping with resolution No. 49 (the listing is connected).

The talked about 339 autos will obtain the standing of a product of the Eurasian Financial Union in 2025. from April 1 or in case of cost of the distinction of the frequent charge of the Eurasian Financial Union.

Subsequently, the State Income Committee reminds that there isn’t a longer any have to submit an utility to the RA SRC in an effort to obtain info on the standing of vehicles as a product of the Eurasian Financial Union. You simply have to examine the presence of the car within the listing. If the car in query is just not on the listing, it has the standing of a product of the Eurasian Financial Union.

We remind you that on January 11, 2023, a notification in regards to the above-mentioned rules was already posted on the official web site of the SRC.

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