These are the breastfeeding problems that new mothers face

by time news

2023-08-06 17:00:47

For a baby, there is no better food than breast milk. Although, sometimes, lactation is not achieved easily or immediately. Above all, the problems increase if you are a new mother and these are some of the difficulties that can arise.

Large nipple, one of the main problems of lactation

It occurs when the baby does not open his mouth wide enough to cover the entire nipple and most of the areola. This causes pain in the grip. In this case, the size of the nipple does not matter in the long run, since the baby grows and, in a short time, will be able to latch on to anything.

flat nipple

This problem occurs when mothers think their baby is not latching on or they are not able to push the nipple out far enough to breastfeed. Some breasts may be temporarily engorged after birth, due to excessive intravenous infusion that will subside.

Inverted nipple, another problem for breastfeeding

This is the name given to the nipples that are tucked into the chest. There are some tips that can be done to make them stand out so that the baby can latch on and feed successfully. You can try to pull the nipple out with your fingers, but there are also tools like a nipple everter.


It is a very common condition related to lactating mothers. Symptoms include a red, hot, and tender area on the chest that may go away quickly or have the potential to develop if not promptly treated. As it is an inflammation, it can cause fever, chills and pain.

Breast abscess, another of the common breastfeeding problems

It consists of a lump with pain in the chest and accompanied by inflammation and redness. Basically, they can be defined as bags full of pus and can be the consequence of poorly treated mastitis or interruption of lactation. It usually occurs between 3 to 8 weeks after delivery.

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