these are the most expensive and cheapest hours

by time news

He electricity price in the wholesale market will rise today, Sunday, by 3.86%, to 143.92 euros megawatt/hour (MWh), in a new day in which the tope al gas It will continue to be unapplied, according to data from the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMIE).

By time slots, electricity will reach its highest price between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., when it will be 184.02 euros/MWh, and the lower between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., with 123.26 euros/MWh.

In February, the average price of electricity for regulated rate customers linked to the wholesale market closed with an average of 132.03 euros/MWh, which is 34% less than the 200.21 euros/MWh of the same month of 2022, while compared to January 2023 (70.89 euros/Mwh on average) it has risen by 86.24%.

The ‘Iberian mechanism’

He ‘Iberian mechanism’which entered into force on June 15, limits the price of gas for electricity generation to an average of 48.8 euros per MWh for a period of twelve months, thus covering next winter, a period in which the prices of energy are more expensive.

Specifically, the ‘Iberian exception’ sets a path for natural gas for electricity generation from a price of 40 euros/MWh in the initial six months, and subsequently, a monthly increase of five euros/MWh until the end of the measure . For tomorrow and throughout the month the price will be 55 euros/MWh.

Considering the evolution of the daily market in 2023 and the quotes of future prices until the end of the year, the estimated average price of the Spanish electricity market is 126.99 euros/MWh, 24.2% lower than that of 2022, 12 .3% cheaper than the German market and 22.9% cheaper than the French market, according to AEGE data.

The bill rises 36% in February, according to Facua

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The average user’s electricity bill has risen in February by more than 36% compared to January, according to the analysis of Facua-Consumers in Action on the evolution of the semi-regulated rate (PVPC). According to the organization’s calculations, the bill in February was 91.61 euros, compared to 67.20 euros in January.

In addition, according to these same data, it has been the second most expensive february in history, only behind that of a year ago, when the bill stood at 131.29 euros. In this sense, the evolution with respect to the same month of the previous year has meant a decrease of 30.2%.

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