They amputated the leg of the policeman who was hit by the flare

by time news

2023-12-12 17:15:15

The doctors at the General State Hospital of Nice proceeded to amputate the leg of the 31-year-old police officer, who was injured by the naval flare during the Rentis incidents.

In particular, the doctors proceeded to amputate the left lower limb due to the irreversible ischemic damage and extensive muscle necrosis in the area of ​​the thigh wound of the 31-year-old.

It is recalled that the unfortunate MAT police officer who was on duty on the evening of Thursday 7/12 at the Rentis stadium, was seriously injured by a naval flare.

To this day, he remains intubated in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, with doctors fighting to keep him alive.

The medical bulletin

“After informing the attending physicians, the patient underwent amputation of the left lower limb today due to irreversible ischemic damage and extensive muscle necrosis in the area of ​​the thigh wound and to avoid local septic and systemic complications and serious deterioration of the patient’s condition. He remains hospitalized in the ICU in critical condition, under sedation and mechanical ventilation. He is supported hemodynamically with vasoconstrictor drugs and extrarenal hemodialysis,” state the doctors of the General State of Nice.

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