they forget their 11-year-old child on a motorway service area

by time news

2023-08-14 20:33:00

An eleven-year-old child was forgotten by his parents on a motorway service area. They realized it after 45 minutes.

By Valentin Dechambre for Le Point Parents forgot their child, aged 11, on a motorway service area in Mayenne on Sunday 13 August. (Illustrative photo). © Guillaume Bonnefont / MAXPPP / IP3 PRESS/MAXPPP Published on 08/14/2023 at 8:33 p.m.

An oversight that haunts parents. This Sunday, August 13, a young eleven-year-old teenager was forgotten by his parents on a motorway service area, according to information from France Blue Mayenne. The young boy had gotten out of the vehicle in which he was traveling with his two parents on the Mayenne motorway rest area, near the town of Bonchamp-lès-Laval. The gendarmes of the department were thus called at the end of the afternoon to go to the A81 motorway area.

When they got back on the road, the teenager’s parents forgot him and started again without him boarding. After 45 minutes of travel, they finally realized that their son was not with them. They then turned around and went up the A81 motorway to the rest area where the young boy was waiting for them accompanied by a team of gendarmes. The teenager’s parents were finally able to get him back. The eleven-year-old is in perfect health.

A similar case last year

Several similar misadventures have recently taken place. For example, in February 2022, in the Vaucluse, gendarmes had discovered a young 14-year-old boy, alone on the Roquemaure area, near the A9 motorway. There too, the parents forgot the teenager who had not got back into the vehicle after a break in the rest area. Thanks to the telephone of the teenager who had remained in the car, the gendarmes had been able to contact friends of the couple who then warned the father and the mother of the young man.

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