They report the crash of the helicopter the place the president of Iran was touring

by times news cr

2024-05-23 05:15:53

Media Iranians have shared that allegedly the helicopter presidential through which the president was touring Ibrahim Raisi suffered an accident that’s described as worrying because of the magnitude of the incident.

It’s reported that the presidential convoy was made up of three helicopters two of which transported ministers and officers who arrived at their locations with none mishap. Then again, it’s reported that the minister of international affairs was additionally on the ship through which the president was touring. Hossein Amirab Dollahian and the governor of East Azerbaijan province Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad-Ali.

Though the identical media remark that the data doesn’t have official sources, they report that the emergency companies and the police applied an enormous operation of search and rescuee to find the presidential helicopter, they level out that the plane probably made a compelled touchdown because of the dense fog current over the world it was transiting.

Regardless of the search, the rescue groups haven’t been capable of find the scene of the accident because of the dangerous climate circumstances. Likewise, the phone numbers of the individuals who have been on board should not out there for the time being.

For his half, the inside minister, Ahmed Vahidi reported that the president alongside together with his entourage have been returning in a number of helicopters after attending the inauguration of the Kodhaafarin dam when one of many helicopters carried out a crash touchdown because of dangerous climate circumstances.

“There was communication with the individuals who have been within the helicopter, however making an allowance for that the world is advanced and communication is troublesome, we’re ready for the rescue groups to reach on the accident website and ship us extra data.”


2024-05-23 05:15:53

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