Thirteen traffic signs that you should know if you are going to travel abroad

by time news

2023-07-07 18:00:01

Be careful if you plan to drive around Europe this summer. If you do not know in advance the signs that you are going to find, your vacation can be cut short or be expensive. For example, ignoring traffic signs in France can result in a €135 fine, 4 penalty points and a 3-year driving license suspension. Meanwhile, the unsafe passage that violates traffic signs in Germany incurs a fine of 300 euros.

What’s more, drivers who ignore traffic signals can have an accident or endanger the lives of other road users. And it is that last year more than 20,000 people died on European roads and, since then, the European Commission has announced plans to improve road safety throughout the EU.

This includes plans to crack down on offenses committed by foreign drivers, who can expect huge fines to be sent to their home countries if caught breaking traffic rules. So, you have to be aware of thirteen strange road signsaccording to

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No Vehicles Carrying Explosives (France): This sign was designed to warn vehicles carrying dangerous loads not to enter, so stay away or expect explosive consequences.

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Moose Alert (Norway): Believe it or not, car and moose collisions are common in Norway and can be extremely serious due to the enormous size of the mammals. These signs indicate where moose are commonly found, so drivers should proceed with caution.

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No use of car horns (Spain): Put the trumpets back in the trunk, this sign means that you should not honk.

PF traffic signals

Migratory Amphibian Warning (Germany): To protect frogs in Germany, slow down, watch the road, and consider alternate routes.

PF traffic signals

Accident Hazard (Norway): This warning sign is there to alert road users that there is a risk of an accident on the road. Drivers need to pay attention or they may find themselves on the wrong side.

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End of Snow Chains and Mandatory Snow Chains (Slovenia): Tourists unfamiliar with cooler weather may be stumped by this one. Some countries have areas where snow chains are mandatory, as they dig into icy surfaces and prevent vehicles from skidding.

PF traffic signals

No Wheelbarrows/Handcarts Allowed (Czech Republic): This sign means no wheelbarrows or handcarts are allowed, which is bad news for construction workers and gardeners.

PF traffic signals

Fire risk (Slovenia): The danger of forest fires is classified as high in Slovenia, so drivers should remain alert. If they come across this sign, they should proceed with caution as it means that there is a great risk of fire.

PF traffic signals

Polar bears cross or travel on ice (Norway): We suggest you make a U-turn if you come across this sign…

PF traffic signals

Ban on Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Water Pollutants (Italy): If you’re traveling in Italy, drivers may come across this strange sign. It means that vehicles carrying water pollutants are prohibited, so motorists should take note if this applies to them.

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Don’t Pee (Germany): Drivers desperate to go to the bathroom are out of luck if they see this sign on a road trip through Germany: oh poop!

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Priority Road Exits (Spain): In most of Europe, if you are traveling on a road and see this yellow diamond, it indicates the start of a priority road and that you will have the right of way over oncoming and crossing traffic.

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Ban on Motor Vehicles and Animal-Drawn Vehicles (Serbia): There is a lot going on on this sign that could lead to confusion.

It simply means that there is no entry for vehicles driven or pulled by animals.

#Thirteen #traffic #signs #travel

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