This is not how Bitcoin was intended

by time news

2023-10-28 11:24:18

It was October 31st of all days when an email went around the world announcing the plan for a new currency. The calendar marked the annual Reformation Day, the date on which Martin Luther once published his theses to demand the separation of church and state. An accident? Bitcoin fans don’t believe in that. They are convinced that this day was deliberately chosen. Ultimately, Bitcoin was supposed to bring something similarly revolutionary with it: the separation of money and the state.

Sarah Huemer

Editor in the “Value” department of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

It’s been almost exactly 15 years since the inventor Satoshi Nakamoto spread his idea. Who is behind this name, whether it is a single person or a group, is unclear. But Bitcoin is no longer just known to a few nerds, but to many people around the world. However, the original idea of ​​Bitcoin has so far found little application in reality. It has not become established as a global currency, nor as an alternative to the existing financial system. What’s more: Bitcoin is increasingly becoming what it actually wanted to be the alternative to: a part of Wall Street.

#Bitcoin #intended

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