This is the best unsalted butter, according to Profeco: avoid silent diseases

by time news

2023-11-01 21:39:48

The butter It is one of the most used ingredients in cooking, whether to give more flavor to a dish or spread it on a bun. However, being ric in saturated fat and saltincreases the risk of developing heart diseases. Given this, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) took on the task of investigating what is the best unsalted butter.

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Why is salted butter harmful?

Excess sodium is one of the main reasons why it can be harmful consume salted butter. Although it is an essential mineral for the body, the truth is that excess sodium in the diet is related to an increase in blood pressure, which favors the development of hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

On the other hand, specialists from Mayo Clinic Medical Institute report that the butter It has a high content of saturated fats. Excessive consumption can raise the levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood; When it accumulates in the arteries, a plaque forms that narrows them, hindering blood flow, favoring cardiovascular diseases.

The problem with butter Its delicious flavor can be addictive to our palate. However, its excessive consumption can be dangerous for the body, especially if we develop silent diseases capable of slowly damaging the body, such as hypertension.

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What is the best unsalted butter?

Given this, the Profeco carried out an analysis on 23 brands of butter in which the water content was measured, which should not exceed 16% m/m, the type of fat with which it was made and its percentage, which should be less than 80% m/m /m, as well as the compounds that could affect the flavor and aroma of the product.

After carrying out the corresponding tests, the Profeco found that the best unsalted butters They are Alfalfa Flower and Lyncott, since in addition to reducing their percentage of saturated fats, they contain less of this mineral which, although it is necessary for the body, its excessive consumption can be fatal.

Is it better to cook with butter or margarine?

The choice of cook with butter or margarine It depends on several factors. For example, the butter It is a dairy product made primarily from milk fat. Contains saturated fat and cholesterolwhich makes it less healthy in large quantities.

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On the other hand, the Margarine It is mainly made from vegetable oils which undergo a hydrogenation process to make them solid at room temperature. However, some margarines contain trans fatswhich are considered less healthy than Saturated fats.

If you are looking to reduce your intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, you may prefer to use margarine low in saturated fat or margarine without trans fat, but this decision will depend on how you take care of your health.

Now that you know What is the best unsalted butter and how excessive consumption affects your health?, do not hesitate to follow our recommendations. Take care of yourself!

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