Tickets for “A Magical Night” sold out in record time – 2024-05-13 08:19:59

by times news cr

2024-05-13 08:19:59

Yamil Bukele, ad honorem president of the National Sports Institute of El Salvador (INDES), Yamil Bukele, provided information about the delivery of online tickets to attend the “Una Noche Mágica” event, a free match that Cádiz of Spain will play against the National Soccer Team in tribute to Jorge Mágico González.

According to the head of INDES, from zero hours this Friday, May 10, the Fun Capital website was enabled (so that people could obtain their ticket and he detailed that 85% of the tickets were placed, which They sold out in just 40 minutes.

The company that distributes the passes highlighted that “Una Noche Mágica” surpassed the delivery of tickets for concerts such as the one offered by Luis Miguel (46 minutes) and Bad Bunny (2:15 hours).

The meeting will take place on May 30 at the Mágico González Stadium, in San Salvador Salvador, from 8:00 p.m. In this way, people were able to access free tickets, which total 24,000.

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