TM will propose criminal liability for sexual harassment in the law /

by times news cr

2024-03-26 20:43:33

The Minister of Justice Inese Lībiņa-Egnere (JV) proposes criminal liability for sexual harassment, “thus allowing victims of violence to receive the necessary support and protection”.

Involving legal experts and non-governmental organizations, TM is currently preparing proposals for submission to the Saeima. Relevant proposals are planned to be submitted for the second reading of amendments to the Criminal Law, which are currently being considered by the Saeima. Currently, TM cannot provide more information about the upcoming changes in the law.

“Sexual harassment is a violation of human dignity. It covers various forms – it can be both verbal, non-verbal and physical sexual behavior, it can be carried out using various communication channels, including the digital environment,” emphasized the statement issued by TM, expressing its position, that it is necessary to improve the legal framework in order to ensure effective protection against sexual violence, including preventing sexual harassment and to determine appropriate and adequate responsibility for its implementation in any form.

Lībiņa-Egnere emphasizes that no person should experience sexual harassment, “whether at work or in an educational institution – in a place that should be safe”. Harassment is not always physically violent, it can also be inappropriate statements, violation of personal space and psychological influence. In addition, such humiliation of women is often not properly investigated, and this creates a feeling of impunity, the minister assesses.

The issue of sexual harassment became particularly relevant after it was revealed that the Jāzeps Vītolas Academy of Music of Latvia (JVLMA) received several student complaints about possible sexual harassment by lecturers. So far, disciplinary punishment has been applied to one lecturer, another lecturer has been suspended without the possibility to communicate with students. Concerns of a similar nature have also been publicly expressed about a lecturer at the Academy of Arts.

The State Police has started criminal proceedings in connection with the information about the possible harassment of female students by JVLMA lecturers. The criminal process has been started according to the section of the Criminal Law on criminal offense against morality and sexual integrity.

2024-03-26 20:43:33

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