Tomas Milian, for all “Er Monnezza”: difficult childhood in Cuba, the Actors Studio and the other 6 secrets about him

by time news

That of Tomas Milian (real name Tomás Quintín Rodríguez), who passed away at 84 in 2017, was an adventurous life, worthy of the many characters he lent his face to on the big screen. Orotagonist of films directed by important filmmakers (such as Visconti, Lattuada, Antonioni, Bertolucci) but also of the many policemen who have given him popularity in our country as “Crime in Formula One” and “Crime on the highway”, in addition to remakes such as “The return of the garbage” by Vanzina, broadcast today at 5.50 pm on Cinema 34 (replay tomorrow at 3.40), Milian was born in Havana on March 3, 1933. He lived a difficult childhood marked by the difficult relationship with his mother, a a very cold woman, and the absence of her father Tomás, captain of the army of the dictator Gerardo Machado who in August 1933 was overthrown by Fulgencio Batista. Batista spares the life of Tomás, who first ends up in prison – he is locked up in the La Cabaña fortress where he tries to kill himself – then in a mental hospital. As Milian tells in his autobiography “Monnezza my love”, written with the collaboration of Manlio Gomarasca and released in 2014 after a long gestation, his father – who as an important officer found himself in the countryside working as a farmer – establishes a strict military discipline. In 1945, when Tomas was 12, the man committed suicide before his eyes by shooting himself in the heart.

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