Tomb Raider I-III Remastered: content, price and platforms

by time news

2023-09-15 16:36:39


By: Samuel M. | 09-15-23

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was announced in the most recent Nintendo Direct marking the return of the classic Lara Croft in her first adventures that defined her as one of the most important female characters of the nineties.

It is a remastering of the original trilogy that was developed by Core Design. This time, it was up to the Aspyr studio, responsible for porting multiple classic Star Wars games, to preserve everything that made Tomb Raider great at the time. More details regarding what we can expect have been released, such as the fact that the games will include their respective expansions, as well as certain improvements that go beyond the graphics.

According to Aspyr, players will be able to switch between the “classic and modern controls«, so it seems that the studio will be opting this time for something new, which is to give a new option to be in line with the latest generation titles, although there will be those who want to revive the ‘rough’ controls of those years.

As far as expansions are concerned, things will be like this:

Tomb Raider I + The Unfinished Business Expansion,

Tomb Raider II + The Gold Mask Expansion

Tomb Raider III + The Lost Artifact Expansion

DO NOT MISS IT: The next Tomb Raider will be distributed by Amazon

Unfinished Business

In these two expert levels, Lara has discovered a ruined section of an alien city, inside which is supposedly an alien hatchery. She must destroy the aliens before they infest the world.

The Gold Mask

Four action-packed levels previously only available online. Lara explores an abandoned mine in Alaska and discovers a strange, hidden world. Many surprises await as Lara discovers the secret of the golden mask.

The Lost Artifact

Six levels reveal the dramatic conclusion to the events that occurred in the third installment. Lara searches for the fifth artifact, which is said to be the legendary Hand of Rathmore. It is the key to unlocking the final secret of the ancient meteor powers.

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered will be released on consoles and PC

In addition to confirming its arrival on Nintendo Switch, Tomb Raider I-III Remastered will also be available on PlayStation, Xbox y PC.

Pre-sale is currently available with a 10%. Needless to say, for PC users who have the original titles on Steam o ‘Tomb Raider Trilogy‘ in GOGthey will have access to a 20% discount on the platform where they have purchased the classic games.

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