Tour operators from Risaralda present at the ProColombia and MinCIT macro-round 2024-03-02 05:05:19

by time news

Businessmen from 27 countries did business in a tourism macro-round with companies in the country.

During the Anato 2024 Tourist Showcase, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and ProColombia, in search of promoting commercial experiences and international relations, held the Colombia Travel Mart (CTM), where around 188 international businessmen were received. They met with Colombian representatives from 22 departments.

This business meeting seeks to strengthen the national tourism industry and establish connections between Colombian supply and international demand, thus promoting the growth and diversification of the tourism sector in Colombia, being the door for tourism operators in the regions to sell their packages, attracting greater investment to the sector. In its seventeenth edition, the event generated a business expectation that exceeded US$55.2 million, with a partial registration of only 69% of the appointments made.

Carmen Caballero, president of ProColombia, assured that the institution is committed to business development: “In each meeting we promote tangible opportunities, supporting the dreams and aspirations of countless companies, entrepreneurs and MSMEs. Behind every achievement, our team works tirelessly around the world, showing the beauty and potential of our country. We turned Colombia into the preferred destination for global businesses, with a business expectation that exceeds 55.2 million dollars, exceeding the figure obtained last year by more than 1 million dollars.”

Among the countries with the greatest representation are Ecuador, the United States, Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela. Businessmen from European markets such as Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and France will also attend. Latin American participation will be significant, with attendees from Uruguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, Costa Rica or Chile.

They make the sector proud

These are five companies of Risralda origin that have worked for Colombian tourism, highlighting the benefits of the Coffee Cultural Landscape, which were present on the two days that the Colombia Travel Mart took place, making quick appointments in search of closing business future. According to ProColombia, participating companies in the department reported business expectations of US$1.1 million.

César Ángel, CEO of Nature Trips Colombia, who presented the proposal for his tour and bird watching company, managed to make around 32 meetings with businessmen from 7 countries such as Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, France, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Spain and the United Kingdom: “These are very good results, for me the efforts of Procolombia and the country with the ‘Country of Beauty’ brand are evident to mark that the international market not only creates in the country, but also creates entrepreneurs that we work, that we are working here on something that we wanted to learn in our destination and that not much happens.”

The macro-round brought together about 390 businessmen, including 208 national exporters from 22 departments and 181 foreign buyers.

2024-03-02 05:05:19

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