Traditional Chinese medicine in the spotlight in Paris this October 11

by time news

Tomorrow, October 11, will be held at the Chinese Cultural Center (1 boulevard de la Tour Maubourg in Paris) the fourth World Day of Chinese Medicine, an event organized by twelve partners including in particular the World Federation of Learned Societies of Chinese Medicine and the France-China Center for Chinese Medicine.

On the menu for the day, conferences on health knowledge of Chinese medicine, demonstrations on Chinese energy art (Ba Duan Jin, health qigong, etc.) and the launch of the first issue of the French edition of the World Journal of Chinese Medicine.

Among the speakers of the day, we will notably find Bi Zhengqing (Joachim BI), a Franco-Chinese professor who arrived in France in 1983 and who practices traditional Chinese medicine from father to son: he will rediscover the roots of Taoist medicine, a discipline that helps to harmonize the link that connects the body to the spirit.

Demonstrations of Qi gong are also planned, which complements and prolongs the Taoist art of living.

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