Tragic car accident in Tavush. The 70-year-old Niva driver rolled 50 m and crashed into the trees

by time news

2023-08-25 11:54:19

Yesterday, August 24, a tragic car accident took place in Tavush region. At around 18:00, the 911 National Crisis Management Center of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs received an alert that a car accident had occurred in Dovegh settlement.

According to photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan, 1 combat unit from the fire rescue squad No. 64 of the Tavush regional rescue department went to the scene of the incident.

It was found that in unknown circumstances, 70-year-old Samvel K., a resident of Tavush marz, drove his Vaz 2121 car out of the traffic lane and rolled about 50 m, ended up in the forest and collided with trees.

Details in the source.

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