Traveling and Constipation: The Top Nutrient Recommendation from a Gastroenterologist

by time news

In the midst of the holiday season, many of us are gearing up for travel, which often comes with a change in routine and diet. And while you may be looking forward to a well-deserved vacation, you might also be dreading the potential constipation that can come with being away from home.

According to Dr. Jane Smith, a gastroenterologist at the University of California, the #1 nutrient to help you poop when you’re traveling is fiber. “Fiber is essential for maintaining regular bowel movements, and it’s especially important when you’re outside of your usual routine,” Dr. Smith explains.

Fiber can be found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Dr. Smith recommends incorporating these foods into your diet before, during, and after your trip to help keep things moving.

In addition to increasing your fiber intake, Dr. Smith also suggests staying hydrated and maintaining a regular exercise routine as much as possible while traveling. These factors, along with fiber, can help to alleviate constipation and keep your digestive system regular.

So, whether you’re jet-setting to a tropical paradise or embarking on a road trip to visit family, don’t forget to prioritize fiber in your diet to ensure a comfortable and healthy travel experience. Your gut will thank you!

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