Trump Addresses California Republican Convention, Vows to Win the State in 2024

by time news

Former President Donald Trump made an appearance at the California GOP’s fall convention on Friday, just days after skipping the party’s primary debate. Trump addressed a supportive Republican crowd in Anaheim, where he criticized California’s Democratic leadership and expressed confidence in his ability to win the state if not for a “rigged election system.” He also promised to crack down on retail thefts if he were to be elected, stating that those who rob a store should expect to be shot upon leaving. California, with its 54 electoral votes, is typically a Democratic stronghold in general elections. However, the state’s primary is significant for Republican candidates, as it offers a large number of delegates and takes place on Super Tuesday. Trump could potentially shut out his rivals from receiving any delegates due to the California Republican Party’s delegate plan, which awards all delegates to a candidate who receives more than 50% of the vote. This move has faced criticism from allies of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who hoped to gain support in the state. DeSantis, along with South Carolina Senator Tim Scott and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, were also scheduled to speak at the convention. DeSantis, who has been positioning himself as a possible alternative to Trump, criticized the former president for skipping the primary debate and suggested a one-on-one debate moderated by Fox News host Sean Hannity. Despite the ongoing competition among Republican candidates, a recent poll suggests that the debate did little to change GOP primary voters’ perspectives. The convention provides an opportunity for the candidates to address the same crowd as Trump and gain support. Ramaswamy, who was targeted by several rivals during the debate, expressed his focus on highlighting a different side of his campaign and discussing his plans for Day 1 as president. Trump’s appearance in California concludes a busy stretch of campaigning for the former president, with visits to South Carolina, Michigan, and Iowa. However, he notably skipped the second primary debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, where seven GOP rivals participated.

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