Trump unleashed: “Biden? A disgrace, I’ll come back and ask for damages to China”

by time news

Donald Trump in his rousing speech at the Republican Convention

Donald Trump the scene of the American political debate is taken up again with its typical bombastic style. Exactly five months after the assault a Capitol Hill on January 6, the former President of the United States played the part of the showman at the Republican convention in North Carolina.

Defining the Democrats as “violent people who in many cases hate our country and have bad policies”, Trump returned to the topic of “stolen” elections, calling them “from the third world” and adding: “We must not allow that to happen again”.

In addition to waving optimism about upcoming consultations (“We will win all the major Senate races in North Carolina by laying the groundwork for Republicans to win the big state in a year and look forward to 2024″), Trump said Republicans are ” stronger than ever ”and that they will return to their power“ sooner than you think ”.

Statements that follow the disconcerting anticipations of recent days, with which Trump has fueled the idea that he would be back in the White House by this summer. But on what basis? There is no legal term that allows such a thing and that pushed jim acosta, anchorman of CNN, to comment on the statements of the former President in a decisive way sharp: “You are not well, Lord. A reason must be made of it ”.

The reference is obviously to the electoral defeat against Joe Biden far from digested, as evidenced by the crackling tones that Trump used in his second speech after leaving the White House: in addition to announcing “an incredible 2022″, the tycoon literally tore the incumbent president to pieces, calling him ” the most radical administration in American history and a disgrace for the country “.

Equally severe is the judgment against Anthony Fauci, immunologist who managed the American response to Covid: “He is not a great doctor but he is a great promoter. He likes to go on TV more than politicians do. “

Obviously Trump has treaded his hand on investigations regarding the possibility that the virus was born in a Chinese laboratory, a hypothesis that allowed him to withdraw one of his workhorse: “The media and Democrats are now admitting that the origin of the both in a Chinese government laboratory. I call it ‘Chinese virus’, because I want to be accurate, ”he added, before announcing that he will be asking for a check from $ 10,000 billion to China as compensation for the pandemic crisis. Even in this case, the question arises in what capacity it intends to do so.

Furthermore, Trump has taken the credit for himself vaccination campaign: “If we hadn’t had the vaccine quickly, the death toll would have been unthinkable, we’d be in a lot of trouble right now.”

Without brakes, Trump also fired on Mark Zuckerberg e Facebook, who banned it until January 2023: “They say they could get me back in two years, but I’m not very interested in doing so. It’s so unfair, not just for me: they are silencing the voices of a much more powerful and larger group. “

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