Trump wins the North Dakota primary elections »

by times news cr

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Former US President Donald Trump defeated his only rival, Nikki Haley, in the Republican primary election in North Dakota.

The Republican primaries in North Dakota are a final event before Super Tuesday, when primaries will be held in 15 states.

The winner of the primary election will receive the support of 29 delegates at the Republican National Convention, which will announce the party’s official nominee in the presidential election.

According to my channel data NBC News AndABC News The New York Times reported that Trump leads in North Dakota with 84% of the vote.

This means that before Super Tuesday, Trump was able to win the primary elections, where he obtained 244 delegates, while Nikki Haley obtained 43 votes, including after her landslide victory in the District of Columbia in Washington state. But despite her delay, Haley and her sponsors are not giving up on continuing the electoral battle.

On Super Tuesday, the fate of another 854 delegates will be determined, and a presidential candidate must receive 1,215 votes at the Republican National Convention.

Source: Agencies

2024-03-05 07:00:10

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