Tumors, 34 thousand deaths from lung cancer every year in Italy, campaign begins

by time news

2023-11-06 13:16:59

On the occasion of lung cancer awareness month, the ‘How many variations of white’ campaign arrives, promoted by Janssen Oncology in collaboration with Ied – European Institute of Design of Milan and with the patronage of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom), Siapec- Iap Italian Society of Pathological Anatomy and Diagnostic Cytology-Italian division of the International Academy of Pathology, Walce – Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe and Ipop – Together for lung oncology patients.

Lung cancer – a note recalls – is the big killer among all oncological diseases. In 2022 alone, over 43,000 cases of this neoplasm were recorded in Italy, which causes the death of 34,000 people in our country every year, over 1 million in the world, with ever-increasing numbers. It is the second most frequent form of cancer in men (15%), after prostate cancer, and the third in women (6%). The campaign was created to raise awareness of the heterogeneity and variety of this disease, as well as the importance of a correct and timely diagnosis, as well as personalized treatments. Lung cancer, in fact, does not refer to a single neoplasm, but is an umbrella term that encompasses different types of tumor forms, each characterized by different therapeutic strategies. To spread this message, IED students and recent graduates were involved who reinterpreted the symbol of the fight against lung cancer, the white ribbon, in 10 creative works capable of showing the many variations of white that reflect the different forms of cancer of the lung.

Identifying the form of lung cancer is essential in order to identify the most suitable therapy for each patient, in order to guarantee its effectiveness, as explained by Silvia Novello, full professor of Medical Oncology at the Department of Oncology of the University of Turin, responsible for the Simple departmental structure of Thoracic Oncology at the Aou San Luigi Gonzaga of Orbassano and president of Walce: “Distinguishing lung cancer into ‘small cell’ and ‘non-small cell’ – he underlines – is no longer sufficient to classify different types of disease , characterized by different histories and treatments, whose prescription is based on adequate molecular profiling. Access to tests, clinical studies and drugs must be guaranteed to all patients, because only in this way can it impact their quality and quantity of This is why Walce designed Epropa (www.epropa.eu), a European program that guarantees correct molecular diagnosis and treatment for all people affected by advanced non-small cell lung cancer”.

The campaign, active throughout the month of November – continues the note – is on-air on the Janssenconte website, a real point of reference for patients and caregivers with insights into the pathology, and on the Janssen Medical Cloud website dedicated to healthcare professionals , and will be disseminated on Janssen Italia’s Facebook channel through 11 posts, in collaboration and synergy with the company’s institutional platforms. The 10 works will also be exhibited at the XXV Aiom Congress, which will be held in Rome from 10 to 12 November.

The initiative represents an opportunity to bring even younger people closer to health issues, starting from correct and timely information, which is why the IED of Milan was involved and allowed 10 of its students and recent graduates – guided by the teacher Ilaria Renoldi and the student Margherita Caspani – to combine creativity with scientific information. “Design fulfills its highest mission when it puts itself at the service of society and its needs, facilitating living, actions and processes, also in terms of raising awareness – highlights Alberico Guerzoni, director of Ied – The gaze of young creatives can bring an added value in this direction. Being chosen to contribute to creatively redesigning the image of such an impactful pathology is an honor and an opportunity for reflection and growth for ourselves.”

“We are very happy to join, alongside Janssen, this awareness campaign which aims to shed light on the different types of lung cancer – comments Bruno Aratri, president of Insieme per i pulmonary oncology patients – We hope that, through these activities, we can promote an increasingly conscious and informed approach to the disease on the part of patients, family members and professionals, thus creating a bridge between those who treat and those who are treated. Our association, founded in 2018, stands alongside people with breast cancer lung and their family members not only with the aim of improving and increasing their quality of life, but also of facilitating access to correct clinical information and increasingly effective treatments, which are not always equally guaranteed across the national territory”.

To further underline a need that is not only felt by people with lung cancer, Filippo Fraggetta, president of Siapec-Iap, intervenes: “For almost 30 years – he states – the company has been scientifically committed to the promotion and dissemination of diagnostic knowledge and associated technologies, which have an important role in the oncology field and beyond. This awareness campaign is in line with our mission. Becoming aware of the different forms of lung cancer also means recognizing the importance of correct diagnosis, of adequate testing strategies their identification, which is fundamental for the correct therapeutic approach”.

“Janssen Oncology – concludes Alessandra Baldini, medical director of Janssen Italia – in addition to its commitment to scientific research for the development of innovative drugs, wants to be alongside patients and their caregivers also through awareness-raising activities. At a time when at worldwide we want to draw attention to lung cancer, like the month of November, we decided to launch the ‘How many variations of white’ campaign, together with authoritative partners such as important scientific societies, patient associations and Ied Milan, to raise awareness of an ever wider public the heterogeneity of this disease, which makes personalized therapeutic strategies that scientific research makes available to respond to patients’ care needs necessary.”

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