TV audiences: France 2 fiction leading ahead of “Good Doctor” on TF 1

by time news

2023-09-14 10:17:57

French fiction in rebroadcast is ahead of unpublished American fiction. Wednesday evening, France 2 rose to the top of the audiences with a new program of its TV film “En plein coeur”, notably carried by Fatou N’Diaye. 2.9 million fans of this unit, or 16.1% of the public, were there.

TF 1 is second with the continuation of the new broadcast of season 6 of “Good Doctor”, its American medical series with Freddie Highmore. The fiction reached 2.5 million fans on average for its first two episodes, for an audience share (PDA) of only 14.2%. On the commercial target of Women responsible for purchases under the age of fifty (FRDA-50), the market share reached 23.3%. Last Wednesday, the series attracted 2.4 million viewers (13.8% PDA).

“The favorite monument of the French” in 3rd position

France 3 takes the third step of the podium with “The Favorite Monument of the French”. Presented by Stéphane Bern, this evening brought together 1.6 million lovers of beautiful stones, representing 9.7% of the public. Last year, the previous edition of the heritage program intrigued 1.6 million curious people (8.2%).

Arte follows with the film “Together, that’s all” with Audrey Tautou. Claude Berri’s feature film fascinated 1.2 million moviegoers, or 6.4% of the public. M 6 is behind with “All with Morocco”, its charity concert presented live from the Dôme de Paris by Ophélie Meunier and Éric Antoine. 1.1 million citizens, which represents 5.9% of the public and 8.2% of the FRDA-50, followed this call for solidarity with the Moroccan population, bereaved by a violent earthquake last week.

As for other channels, “Mongeville” continues to be popular on C8. The former France 3 series attracted 1.0 million fans (5.9%). TMC is not far away with the film “Taxi 5” and its 877,000 fans (5.6%).

#audiences #France #fiction #leading #ahead #Good #Doctor

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