Twitter puts an end to anti-Semitic congressional membership

by time news

Matty Burnhart, Knitted News02.01.22 17:48 29 Tevet Tishpev

Twitter puts an end to anti-Semitic congressional membership

(Alex Rohl / Shatterstock)

Twitter announced today that it has finally removed the account of U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, following the dissemination of false information about the Corona virus.

“We are suspending her account on a regular basis after she committed a number of offenses for disseminating inaccurate information regarding the corona plague,” they said on Twitter. “We have made it clear that in such cases we will remove the accounts in question.”

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Green is notorious not only for the corona and a variety of other extremist views, but also for her antisemitic statements. Among other things, Green has previously claimed that the huge California fires were caused by “lasers from space controlled by the Rothschild family” and also compared the decision of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to force wearing masks in the plenum to steps taken by the Nazi regime.

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“You can look back to a time in history where people were told to wear a yellow badge,” Green said several months ago.

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