Types of Spots: How to Identify and Deal with Common Skin Blemishes

by time news

2023-08-05 12:08:06
Brown spots, pink and red spots, and how to prevent and heal them are covered in this news article. The article begins by discussing the different types of spots that can appear on the skin. The first type mentioned is brown spots, which includes freckles, hyperpigmentation in the face, birthmarks, and age warts.

Next, the article discusses pink and red spots, specifically basal cell carcinoma and angioma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, while angioma is a benign spot caused by a visible blood vessel.

Moving on, the article emphasizes the importance of self-checking for skin abnormalities, especially for those at an increased risk of skin cancer. A dermatologist recommends using the ABCDE rule to assess spots for possible malignancy.

The article also mentions Skindr, a platform where individuals can send in photos of suspicious spots and receive assistance from a dermatologist within 48 hours. This service can provide reassurance or prompt a physical appointment if further examination is needed.

In terms of prevention, the article advises using SPF 50 on the face year-round, wearing a hat or cap to minimize sun exposure, and using products with antioxidants. It also cautions against using tanning beds due to the high levels of UV radiation.

For healing, the article suggests using serums or creams with ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, retinoids, or azelaic acid to even out the skin and reduce the visibility of blemishes. Cream with hydroquinone, available by prescription, is mentioned as a treatment option. Chemical peels, laser treatments, and exfoliation with glycolic or salicylic acid are also discussed.

The article concludes with a list of related articles for further reading.]
#spots #skin

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