UFO, Obama insists: “Knowing about aliens would give birth to new religions”

by time news

Barack Obama returns to the subject of UFOs, after his recent television statements on the subject have caused much discussion.

The former US President in an interview with Nhe York Times returned to comment Pentagon videos of unidentified flying objects, explicitly speaking of the possibility that they exist alien populations: “I would hope that the awareness of the existence of alien species would solidify the importance of what we have in common with each other.”

“However, I realize that there would certainly be discussions, for example about the need to spend more money in armaments, to defend the world. New religions would emerge. And who knows what other topics would land on the agenda. We are very good at raising problems with each other ”.

The statements of the former tenant of the White House followed by the interview with James Corden, in which he urged the audience to take his children seriously UFO, citing videos owned by the US government.

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