Ukraine, Israel… and Pamplona

by time news

2023-12-29 14:30:06

In a song, the guitar solo is usually the peak moment, taking the listener to the ecstasy of intensity before linking back to the verse and returning to normal levels. But the cavern denies this moment of release and keeps its readers on a perpetual tickle in the lower frets of the guitar until at the end the build-up of treble tingles the senses. Yesterday, a gentleman who had already been mayor became one again, and with more support than anyone in the last twenty years. Instead, the front pages fall into exactly the same semantic field they use when reporting on Ukraine or Israel. “Bildu celebrates the taking of Pamplona”, “The abertzales appropriate the streets” (title and subtitle ofAbc), “Bildu wants to affirm support for the annexation of the Basque Country” (The reason) and “The worst thing that drags you into a war is that they call it peace” (highlighted column on the first page ofThe world). This last newspaper, below, interviews Ignacio Martínez de Pisón for his latest book and takes the headline “The current rhetoric resembles that of 36, but there will be no violence”. Apparently, the porter has not been taken for granted.

They sell it as a hooded pact, which is especially offensive considering that the mayor in question, Joseba Asiron, already rejected the path of violence last century. In 1998, following the death at the hands of ETA of councilor Tomás Caballero, he signed a statement expressing the “strongest and total condemnation of this unjustifiable murder”. And also: “This crime committed in the name of Euskal Herria is also an attack against everything Basque in Navarre”. But the cavern continues to cling to the guitar handle, in this endless solo that neither Pat Metheny nor Stevie Ray Vaughan could resist.

#Ukraine #Israel.. #Pamplona

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