Ukraine needs military rule

by time news

Russia-Ukraine crisis: Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on Ukraine’s military to seize control of the country.


Russia, First Published Feb 25, 2022, 10:14 PM IST

Russian forces have been carrying out a fierce offensive on Ukraine for the second day in a row. The three-pronged attack, which was carried out by air, sea and land, caused great casualties. Russian forces have attacked and destroyed numerous military targets in Ukraine. Similarly Ukraine is retaliating against Russian forces to defend themselves.

Ukrainian President Johnsky has called on the world community to take action to end Russia’s war, but Russia has decided to impose sanctions on Western nations, including the United States, Germany and Britain. It is noteworthy that Western countries rely on key raw materials including.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that they were ready for talks if the Ukrainian army stopped the attack. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has announced that Russia is launching a two-day offensive with Ukraine. “Our goal is to rescue Ukraine from repression,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “Russia is ready to send a negotiating team to Ukraine.” Russia has also said it is ready to hold talks with the Ukrainian delegation in the Belarusian capital, Minsk.

Currently, Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a fresh call to Ukraine’s military to seize power. Speaking on state television, Putin called for the overthrow of the current regime in Ukraine and the establishment of a military junta. Russia is said to be trying to gain a foothold in Ukraine.

Last Updated Feb 25, 2022, 10:14 PM IST

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