Ukrainian Justice sentences one of its soldiers to 15 years in prison for collaborating with Russian troops

by time news

2023-09-19 13:03:35

Rafael M. Manueco

Correspondent. Moscow

Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 1:03 p.m.


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A Ukrainian court has sentenced a soldier to 15 years in prison for collaborating with Russian troops in Liman, a city in the Donetsk region recovered last May by the Kiev Army. The prisoner, whose identity the Prosecutor’s Office does not reveal when reporting his sentence, was detained by the Ukrainian Security Service (BSU) and accused of “hindering” the advance of the Ukrainian troops during the liberation of Limán by scattering screws and other metal objects. on the roads where Ukrainian military vehicles circulated in order to damage the tires.

That activity, according to the BSU, was carried out at the request and under the advice of the Russian occupation troops. The collaborator also collected intelligence information on the location of Ukrainian Armed Forces checkpoints and facilities, including a bomb shelter. Apparently, he transmitted the information to a gunner from a tank company of the Russian tactical group ‘Dome’. They kept in touch through the Russian social network Odnoklássniki, which is banned in Ukraine.

The jury found him guilty and the court ordered the confiscation of his properties for collaborative activities. He has also ordered the prohibition of holding positions in State organizations. The defendant did not admit his guilt, despite admitting that he threw screws into the road. The Ukrainian media claim that he was a fervent follower of Russian ideology and did not hide his discomfort when Ukraine regained Liman.

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