Understanding Different Types of Headaches: Causes and Solutions

by time news

2023-11-24 10:02:15
Different Types of Headaches and What They Mean

No one wants a pounding head after a long day at work. But, as many people know, there is no one type of headache. Pain behind your eye, the feeling as if there is a tight band around your head, or sharp shooting pains. That can feel quite disturbing. What can different types of headaches mean?

We list it. Just remember that if you are really concerned about whether you are experiencing headaches that last for a long time or recur regularly, it is best to see a doctor.

Common types of headaches

The guidelines of the Dutch Association of General Practitioners describe four types of headaches that occur (fairly) often. We will tell you something about those species and what you can do about them.

Tension headache

Do you feel a pinching pain on the sides of your head? Then you have a tension headache. People also sometimes describe the feeling as a tight band around the head or on either side of the head. In addition to that pinching feeling, the muscles of your neck, shoulders and skull can be sensitive.

Tension headaches are often not so serious that you have to go to bed and do nothing. The cause is usually not dangerous, but may be due to stress, tension and tense muscles in the neck. However, it is not known exactly where it comes from. This type of headache lasts from half an hour to a few days.

This is what you can do about it:

Cluster headache (pain behind your eye)

Many people will recognize such an annoying pain behind the eye, which can be very intense. This is a cluster headache because it is often in one specific spot. So it is a cluster of painful stimuli. The pain is often around the eye and is pinching, sharp or burning. Home doctors describe cluster headaches as ‘attacks’ that occur in periods of weeks to months.

Remarkably, men (especially between the ages of 20 and 40) suffer from cluster headaches more often than women. But with cluster headaches you don’t just feel the pain behind your eye. These are further symptoms:

– Sweating a lot on the face
– Your eye is red
– Your eyelid is thick or drooping
– You have a stuffy or runny nose
– You feel restless

With this type of headache, the pain is often too intense to continue with your daily activities. However, it is not entirely clear how it arises. For example, alcohol and a long plane trip can trigger an attack. Avoid these things if you want to prevent this. There are medications to combat this, always discuss this option with your doctor.


You see spots or flashes of light, are sensitive to light, sound and smell and prefer to go to bed with the curtains closed and a wet washcloth on your forehead. Although that doesn’t seem to make much difference. Recognizable? Then you are most likely affected by migraine. According to many, one of the worst types of headaches, which also has an effect on your daily activities. ‘Just’ continuing to work is often no longer possible.

The pain is often on one side of the head and feels throbbing. Your hands may also tingle. Home doctor describes migraine as ‘a disease of the brain’. For example, before a migraine starts, you may already feel gloomy or happier, be tired or have muscle pain and be sensitive to odors.

Migraine are caused by a brief disturbance in the brain. The cause is not completely known, but too little sleep or food, alcohol, quitting caffeine and specifically red wine can trigger a migraine attack. Migraines can also run in families. If you feel such an attack coming on, take rest and take a painkiller.

Headache due to medication use

People who take certain medications sometimes experience headaches due to those medications. Even if they are painkillers. This headache often lasts all day and gets worse when you are active. You also need more and more painkillers to reduce the pain.

Your body then gets used to, for example, paracetamol or ibuprofen and if you don’t take it for once, the pain returns. This is possible with paracetamol and ibuprofen if you take these drugs at least fifteen days a month.

Please note: this is not medical advice. Do you have long-term or regular headaches? Then visit your doctor, for example, for personalized advice.]
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