Understanding Liver and Bile Duct Cancer: Risk Factors, Symptoms, Screening, and Treatment

by time news

2023-08-05 06:15:00
Liver and Bile Duct Cancer Becomes Leading Cancer in Thailand

Liver and bile duct cancer has become the number one cancer in Thai males and the third most common cancer in Thai females, according to the 2018 Thailand Cancer Registry. With over 20,000 new cases reported each year and approximately 15,000 deaths, the incidence of liver and bile duct cancer in the country has reached an alarming level.

Contrary to popular belief, liver cancer is not solely caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Other risk factors include viral infections and fungi found in common foods such as nuts and dried chilies. Additionally, abnormalities that should be observed by healthcare professionals can also contribute to the development of liver cancer.

It is important to note that symptoms of liver cancer can vary from patient to patient. Warning signs may include loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, bloating, fatigue, weight loss, ascites, pain or stiffness in the right ribcage, and yellowing of the skin and eyes. If any of these symptoms are experienced, it is crucial to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

There are five stages of liver cancer, with stage three indicating a more advanced condition. Former politician Chuvit, who has publicly disclosed his battle with stage three liver cancer, sheds light on the severity of the disease in Thailand. With liver cancer being the main cause of cancer-related deaths among Thai men, it is imperative for individuals to be educated about the risk factors and screening options available.

Risk groups that should undergo liver cancer screenings include hepatitis carriers, individuals with cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis patients, and those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol or are exposed to aflatoxin found in certain foods. Early detection through regular screenings can lead to timely treatment and improved outcomes.

To prevent liver cancer, it is recommended to receive the hepatitis B vaccine, avoid consuming raw freshwater fish, adopt a healthy lifestyle, follow a balanced diet, and eliminate habits such as smoking and betel nut chewing. By taking preventive measures and seeking medical attention when necessary, the incidence and mortality rates of liver and bile duct cancer can be reduced.

Medical institutions such as the Shaki Cancer Institute, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine Songkhla Nakarin Hospital, and Phayathai Hospital are among the reputable sources providing information and guidance regarding liver and bile duct cancer.

As the number one cancer in Thai men, liver and bile duct cancer demand attention and awareness. By educating the public about the risk factors, symptoms, and preventive measures, lives can be saved and the burden of this disease can be reduced.]
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