US sends another submarine to the Korea region

by time news

2023-07-27 23:19:19

Os USA sent yet another nuclear-powered submarine to the Korean Peninsula. It is the second vessel of its type to arrive in the region in less than a week.

The underwater vehicle entered the Jeju Naval Base, an island in southeastern South Korea, on Monday 24th. The information was confirmed by the South Korean Navy.


The US submarine, USS Annapolis, is not a nuclear weapons capable vessel, unlike the USS Kentucky, which docked in Busan early last week.

However, that submarine is equipped with Tomahawk missiles and MK-48 torpedoes, capable of destroying the hulls of ships and other surface vessels.

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The stay of both submarines is another step in the escalation of tensions between the US and the dictatorship of Kim Jong-un.

US submarines stir up tempers off the Korean Peninsula

In an official statement from the us navythe Americans claim that they are allies of South Korea and that “they plan to tighten the joint defense posture, with the arrival of the submarine USS Annapolis”.

They also communicated that they will conduct “an exchange of activities, in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the alliance”.

What type of submarine is sent to South Korea

The USS Annapolis carries the famous and feared Tomahawk missiles, capable of hitting targets within a radius of 1.6 kilometers, traveling at a speed of 900 kilometers per hour.

In addition to missiles, the US submarine also carries MK-48 torpedoes, designed to hit enemy ships’ hulls and cause heavy damage.

Last week, the USS Kentucky was the first vessel since the 1980s that the United States had sent to the Korean Peninsula.

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