US to send depleted uranium ammunition to troops in Ukraine for the first time

by time news

2023-09-06 21:04:01

The United States will send depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine to combat tanks and armored vehicles. The announcement was made by the Pentagon this Wednesday (6), the same day that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Kiev. Washington’s representative will spend the night in Ukraine.

Published on: 09/06/2023 – 21:04Modified on: 09/06/2023 – 21:05

4 min

With information from the correspondent of RFI em Kiev, Pierre Alonso

The 120mm rounds will be used in US Abrams main battle tanks, promised to Kiev in a new $175 million military aid package.

It is the first time that the United States admits to supplying Ukraine with ammunition of this type, capable of piercing the armor of vehicles, but with toxic risks for soldiers and civilians.

A few months ago, the United Kingdom announced its intention to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium ammunition, a decision denounced by Moscow.

Extremely dense, uranium is a metal that does not deform when it comes into contact with its target, increasing the effectiveness of projectiles.

The American announcement was made on the same day that the head of US diplomacy, Antony Blinken, met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a surprise visit to Kiev.

The meeting is a testament to “the unwavering commitment of the United States to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression,” says the US State Department.

This is Blinken’s fourth visit to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022.

“Impressive Advancements”

In Kiev, Blinken visited a cemetery to lay flowers in memory of Ukrainian soldiers killed in battle.

During a speech to the press, Blinken said that Washington will continue the “efforts” so that the Ukrainians have what they need for this phase of the battle.

Blinken said the progress of Ukrainian troops is very “promising”. “We see very clearly the important progress that is currently being made in the counter-offensive,” said the Secretary of State.

In June, Kiev began the attack on the south and east of the country, where Russian troops occupy nearly 20% of Ukrainian territory. Progress has been slow and complicated in the face of mined territory and intense resistance from Russian soldiers.

“Ukrainian forces have made impressive advances in the south in particular, but also in the east in recent days and weeks. AFP.

During the meeting with Blinken, Volodymyr Zelensky thanked him for his support now and in the coming months. “A difficult winter awaits us. But we are happy that we are not alone in facing it. We will be at the side of our partners”, stated the Ukrainian, thanking the US for its help in the energy sector.

During his train journey to Kiev, Blinken met Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who gave a speech to the Ukrainian Parliament in the morning. The American thanked Denmark for its help, which two weeks ago announced the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the conflict, in February 2022, the United States has led an international coalition in support of Ukraine. So far, the country has pledged $43 billion in military aid.

The Kremlin accused the United States of “keeping Ukraine in a state of war” and assured that its assistance cannot “influence the outcome of the special military operation”, a euphemism used in Russia to refer to the invasion.

Russian market attack leaves 17 dead

On Wednesday, a Russian bombing of a crowded market killed 17 in Kostiantynivka, a town in eastern Ukraine.

“Russian terrorist artillery killed 17 people in the town of Kostiantynivka, in the Donetsk region,” wrote the Ukrainian president, citing that in addition to a market, shops and a pharmacy were hit. “Unfortunately, the number of dead and wounded could increase”, underlined Zelensky.

Earlier, Ukrainian air defense neutralized a missile attack on the capital, Kiev. The wreckage of the devices caused a fire in a supermarket, leaving no victims, according to the authorities.

In addition to this attack against Kiev, Russia attacked the Odessa region (south), near the border with Romania, with drones during the night and one person died.

(With information from AFP)

#send #depleted #uranium #ammunition #troops #Ukraine #time

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