Usa 2024, Trump leads by 30 points over DeSantis in the Republican primaries

by time news

Keep growing the advantage of Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination for the White House. The former president is now 54%, 30 points ahead of Ron DeSantis who is stuck at 24%, according to a Fox News poll. Trump’s advantage is literally doubled from last monthwhen another poll of the conservative broadcaster gave him 15 points ahead of the governor of Florida who, however, has not yet formalized his descent into the field.

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So far, in addition to Trump, only Nikki Haley has officially run for the Republican nomination, but the former UN ambassador is stationary at 3% in the polls, behind the vice president, Mike Pence, who has 6%. And equal merit with Liz Cheney, the daughter of the former vice president who represents the avowedly anti-Trump wing of the Republicans and who lost his seat in Congress for her position.

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